Orginal Arts by Arteet

Hand-painted Canvas Art

Arteet’s aim is to provide you with high quality hand-painted art, painted by our professional artists. We NEVER sell prints. All paintings are ORIGINAL artworks, except the carefully hand-painted reproductions of classic artworks that are displayed as Reproduction Arts.

Ready-to-hang Paintings

At no extra cost, Arteet includes canvas stretchers with your Ready-to-hang painting. The full instructions included will enable you to hang your painting as soon as it reaches you, and you can start enjoying the beauty of your new artwork straight away.

FREE Shipping to Countries

Most paintings websites charge an extra shipping fee. However, Arteet provides FREE shipping to countries for painting orders of Over USD $ (excluding frame).

Arteet, More than two decades serving art

Since it was founded in 1992, Arte et Labore (Arteet) has focused on providing top quality hand-crafted paintings to homes, companies, hotels and restaurants across Europe and Asia. We have worked with hundreds of interior design and architectural firms for over 20 years. Our aim is to provide top quality hand-painted original and reproduction artworks to both online and offline customers, and to provide the service that will ensure they are completely satisfied.

*Arteet welcome offline business inquires. Please Contact with our service managers for more details.

Ready-to-hang or beautifully framed? Your choice

All paintings are provided with free canvas stretchers and are ready to hang the minute you receive your order package. However, if you prefer a frame, Arteet also offers a free framing service to all customers. Framing materials are available in 13 styles and at a minimum price. Simply choose a favourite by pressing the framing button in CART, and Arteet will do the rest by preparing and framing your painting professionally, and free of charge.

Check out Free Framing Service for more details.

Your Personal Specialist

Since its inception, Arteet’s aim has been to provide the best quality service to each one of its customers. When you purchase an artwork, Arteet will assign a personal specialist to you to handle your order. You can message your specialist to keep track of the order’s progress and get help with any queries or reasonable requests.

FREE Shipping to Countries

Arteet partners with DHL Express to provide a first class shipping service. For any painting orders of more than USD $, Arteet will provide FREE shipping to destination countries.

Check out Free Shipping Service for more details.